Renee Arnold, was hired in August 2008 by Campus life as the new Greek Life Coordinator and head of the Honor Societies at American University, in Washington DC.
“I love my job,” said Renee, “people are jealous because I love coming to work everyday.” Renee started working at American University during the fall 2008 semester. Replacing Danny Kelley, she hopes to bring a new light upon Greek Life.
Born in Ohio and raised in California, Renee attended undergrad at California State San Bernardino. Receiving her bachelor’s degree in English Literature and mastered in African American Studies at Temple University’s graduated program.
Graduating from Temple University in spring of 2005 Renee original planned on becoming a professor of African American Literature to college students. She is shocked when she reflects on where she is today. “I never thought I’d be here but I’m thankful.”
Renee Arnold is more then what meets the eye. Being German and African American, Renee finds it entertaining when people try to guess her ethnicity. She prides herself on her warm, bubbly personality and believes it’s what keeps her so optimistic.
Coming from a supportive family, Renee has a half brother, two half sisters, one full sister and a stepbrother. “People are pretty entertained when they find out my father has been married eight times, which includes the two times to my mother.” Yet Renee finds herself very lucky because her parents are till good friends through it all, which definitely makes life easier.
Growing up, Renee Arnold always had a passion for new experiences. “I love to learn and try new things, but I also love the comfort of things I already know.” As a child, Renee had a passion for softball. She played the sport for 12 years, but gave it up for the flag team during her sophomore year of high school.
Her greatest memories of her childhood were her yearly visits to Germany. “As a child it was like a fairy tale,” said Renee, “we would ride our bikes through the green forest to a lake, where we would feed the ducks.” It was a feeling of complete peace and joy for her.
Another experience Rene keeps close to her heart was a summer internship in Germany, where she lived with her uncle and cousins. In Germany she interned at “Hotel Kempinski, where she served breakfast, provided daily catering and did some office work. Here she really was able to grow as a young woman. Yes she might have traveled to Germany every summer in the past, but she was never on her own. “It’s one thing to go out on your own, but to totally adjust to another culture is complexly different.” It really tested her character and her ability to adapt, but Renee had an advantage, she was fluent in German. “My favorite thing was definitely all of the shopping, eating and sight seeing I did,” Rene said with a big grin on her face.
Renee Arnold ended up in the District of Columbia as her boyfriend received a job as a region manager for AT&T. Being an “army brat,” Renee was used to moving around and adapting to new environments. This came in handy as her and her boyfriend had two weeks to find somewhere to live in DC from California. A couple years back Renee and her boyfriend visited a psychic, who told them they’d end up in the east coast. “It is kind of freaky how things turned out and somebody knew it before we did.”
Renee always had an interest in student affairs and applied to multiple jobs at American University but after an extensive interview period AU told her that they had a better position for her in Greek Life. There they felt she would suit better and Renee couldn’t agree more. Renee was more then grateful for the position as she had applied to 240 jobs between April and August of 2008
American University felt that Renee was more then qualified for the position, her resume showed excellence in programs associated with Greek Life, as she was part of Alpha Delta Phi, which was the first female secrete society founded on May 15th, 1851. Renee had also been apart of the honor role of her university and had multiple e-board positions through her education.
Renee Arnold’s biggest challenge with taking over this position is learning the new system and minor details, but she’s very appreciative. She believes that she’ll be able to make this program very successful because once her name is on something she only delivers perfection. Additionally, she loves to see students reach their potential and succeed. In the future Renee plans on staying with American University for a couple of years and hopefully moving on to become Vice President of student affairs. “I’ll travel where ever the future leads, just as I did to end me up here.”
Renee Arnold
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